KABAH: "An exotically evocative piece, describing the atmosphere and spirit of the place with eerie harmonics, long-held notes and often sparse harmonies conveying a sense of vast emptiness and antiquity." -The Washington Post 

BOOK OF HOURS   Hp  25'  Kathy Henkel
From the beautifully decorated devotional book of the Middles Ages, this piece was inspired by French and Italian manuscripts pertaining to the Hours of the Virgin.  Although church modes play in important role, the work incorporates quartal and dissonant harmonies, as well as special effects.  Musical quotes and references can be heard from traditional carols, Vivaldi, Bach, Strauss and Mahler.  22 p.  AE373  $22.98

DARK WINTER WALTZ  Vla  6'  Peter Ware
Exploiting the lyrical aspect of the viola, this piece captures the spacious and desolate qualities of the north.  The melody unfolds with soulfully, interjected with double stops over a pizzicato drone.  In an expanded ternary form, the middle section explores the lower register in a slow, dark waltz.  2 p.  AE292  $6.98

ELEGY  Vln  3'  Peter Ware
Fluid and unhurried, with plaintive sigh motives and mournful tremolo, Elegy weaves pure lyric poetry, a meditation  for all time. 1 p.  AE950  $5.98

The Elegie, shifting between monophonic and polyphonic two part dialog, imparts a sacred quality similar to Gregorian chant.  Accompaniment chords serve as quiet answers to the phrases.  The Totentanz is a dance of the body after death and is the last play of the muscles. In moderate triple meter, Totentanz features staccato articulations that give it a perky and playful character.  Opening with a rhythmic motive of four eighth notes, this motive is subsequently marked with an embellished grace note. and  spun out in a Baroque fashion.  This "single affection" pervades the entire fabric.  Use of a motor rhythm sustains a great sense of momentum, until the ending where it winds down majestically.   6 p.  AE0429  $6.98   Download Adobe Acrobat  3 excerpt of
Elegie und Totentanz (295K)

  Pno  6'  Peter Ware  Free Piano MP3 of excerpt of Piscataway performed by Yvar Mikashoff
Free score sample of Hibiscus on the Water

Inspired by the delicate flowers that grow so plentifully along the riverbanks of the Piscataway creek in Virginia as illustrated by the poem
Hibiscus by Piscataway by Agnes Ware.  This fantasy variation flows simply and unpretentiously with a lyrical melody and undulating accompaniment.  The Hibiscus on the Water is published in the Conservatory of Canada's New Millennium Series. It is part of the grade nine piano requirements and is published in the Grade Nine New Millennium Piano Series by Waterloo Music.  Score edited by the composer 5p. AE1018  $5.98

KLUANE  Violin/Cello  22'  Peter Ware  
Free Cello MP3 Excerpt of Kluane 2nd Movement

This four movement suite is a virtuoso showpiece, featuring idiomatic string writing with extensive use of double stops, melodies accompanied by pizzicato, tremolos and harmonics.  Opening is the evocative and highly dramatic North Face, followed by the jazz inspired Blues with syncopated rhythms, hemiola and blue notes.  Dark Winter Waltz then opens solemnly, progressing to a slow waltz in the cello's lower register.  Wind Dance, marked prestissimo, is a furious, fluttering tremolo study.  12 p.  Violin  AE1522 ;  Cello AE1581 $13.98

MEDIEVAL CHRISTMAS  Hp  7'   Kathy Henkel
Excerpted from The Book of Hours, this piece captures the Christmas story in a programmatic way.  It opens in a mood of joyful mystery with glissandos and harmonics.  Then follows a "Troubadour's Song", announcing the birth of Christ and a brief quote from Angels We Have Heard On High.  7 p.  AE594  $7.98

PISCATAWAY "On Looking Deeper into the Water" Pno 12'  Peter Ware
MP3 of excerpt of Piscataway performed by Yvar Mikashoff
"Romantic, lyrical and impressionistic all at once, the pieces have a beautiful natural pianism" -Hamilton Spectator
Utilizing the extreme ranges of the piano in a virtuoso display, this piece is named after the Piscataway river in Virginia.  Colourful flourishes contrast with long-breathed melodies; and although metered, the rhythm is perceived as free, symbolic of the  river's rapid current and still eddies.  As numerous sustained trills and tremolos shimmer on, dynamic balance and endurance are essential.  11 p. AE284  $11.98

This four-movement sonata blends elements from North American Indian music and Greek folk music.  Challenging in technical demands, extensive use of double and triple stops allow simultaneous presentation of independent melodic lines.  The first and third movements are lyrical and romantic, while the second and fourth contrast with dance-like asymmetrical rhythms.  10 p.  FE187  $21.98 

These concise works are musical Haiku in an expressionistic style.  3 p. AE659  $4.98

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Last modified September 10, 2012